Education loan Scheme
Sr No | Scheme | Detailed Information |
17.9 | Name of the Scheme | Education loan Scheme |
2 | Funding by | Central Government Schemes National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation, New Delhi (NSFDC) |
3 | Scheme Objective | The main object of the Corporation is to implement various schemes to uplift lifestyle of Charmakars (Dhor, Chambhar, Holar,Mochi etc.) who are economically weak and below poverty line and with an intention to develop them educationally, economically and socially so as to give them respectable place in Society. Also production of various types of Footwear Leather Articles supply to Government Departments sale in Open Market. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | SC - Charmakar. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | NSFDC, New Delhi has implemented EDUCTION LOAN scheme from 2009. Under this scheme, Eduction Loan up to Rs.10 ,00,000/-finance is provided for post graduate students in India and Rs. 20,00,000/- in abroad. Rate of interest is 4%p.a. for male 3.5%p.a. for female beneficiary. |
7 | Application Process |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education |
9 | Contact Office | List Enclosed. |
Statistical Summary Education loan Scheme Rs. In Lakhs
Sr.No. | Year | Expenditure | Beneficiaries |
1 | 2012-13 | 7.62 | 16 |
2 | 2013-14 | 50.66 | 49 |
3 | 2014-15 | 50.97 | -- |
Training Scheme
Sant Rohidas Leather Industries , Charmakar Development Corporation.
Sr No | Scheme | Detailed Information |
17.3 | Name of the Scheme | training Scheme |
2 | Funding by | State Government Schemes |
3 | Scheme Objective | The main object of the Corporation is to implement various schemes to uplift lifestyle of Charmakars (Dhor, Chambhar, Holar,Mochi etc.) who are economically weak and below poverty line and with an intention to develop them educationally, economically and socially so as to give them respectable place in Society. Also production of various types of Footwear , Leather Articles , supply to Government Departments , sale in Open Market. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | SC - Charmakar. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | training Scheme is implemented for the students to enable them to start their own business, trade or to get a job. training is given under this scheme in various trades such as Motor Driving, T.V./Video/Radio Repairing, Tailoring, Welding etc. for a period upto six months. Stipend and tution fees are also paid by the Corporation to the training institute. |
7 | Application Process |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education |
9 | Contact Office | List Enclosed. |
Statistical Summary Training Scheme Rs. In Lakhs
Sr. No. | Year | Expenditure | Beneficiaries |
1 | 2012-13 | 17.54 | 410 |
2 | 2013-14 | 17.05 | 207 |
3 | 2014-15 | 10.13 | 726 |
Maintenance Allowance to B.C. Students Studying in Sainik School.
Sr.No. | Scheme | Detailed Information |
1. | Name of the Scheme | Maintenance Allowance to B.C. Students Studying in Sainik School. |
2. | Funding By | State |
3. | Scheme Objective | OBC students should have access to national protection Prabodhini, military forces to be recruited them students, students in the discipline, confidence, courage, leadership, patriotism has been launched to cultivate these qualities, etc. |
4. | Beneficiary Category | Scheduled Caste |
5. | Eligibility Criteria | Parents income is not more than Rs. 2 Lakhs per year. Since 1996-1997 onwards the students who are studying in GIA voluntary schools are paid 15000 per year for their educational fees. |
6. | Benefits Provided | Students Studying in Sainik Schools, Samara, Nashik and Pune, the entire expenditure on Tuition Fees, Exam Fees, Lodging, Boarding, Cloth, Uniforms, Horse-riding, Pocket Money etc., incurred by these schools for B.C. students is reimbursed to these schools by social Welfare Department |
7. | Application Process | Student should fill the application form on this website http// |
8. | Category of Scheme | Education |
9. | Contact Office | Related Assistant Commissioner (District), Social welfare and Head Master of Sainik School |
Statistical Summary
In Lakhs
Sr.No | Year | Expenditure | Beneficiaries |
1 | 2012-13 | 275.98 | 840 |
2 | 2013-14 | 279.14 | 822 |
3 | 2014-15 | 229.63 | 1531 |
Training of Motor Driving to VJNT, SBC & OBC
Sr. No. | Scheme | Detailed information |
1. | Name of the Scheme | Training of Motor Driving to VJNT, SBC & OBCS |
2 | Funding By | State |
3 | Scheme Objective | To create employment chances for VJNT, OBC & SBC youth. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | V.J.N.T., OBC &S.B.C. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | The scheme provides light and heavy motor driving, conductor training to the needy VJNT, OBC & SBC candidates. The training is given through private motor driving schools. The selected candidates are provided training with free lodging and boarding facility, License Fees etc. |
7 | Application Process | Application is to be submitted to Motor Driving School approved under this scheme by Government of Maharashtra Social Justice Department. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Economic Upliftment. |
9 | Contact Office |
Approved Driving School. Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare concerned District. |
Savitribai Phule Scholarship for VJNT and SBC girls students studying in 5th to 7th std.
Sr. No. | Scheme | Detailed information |
1. | Name of the Scheme | Savitribai Phule Scholarship for V.J.N.T and S.B.C girls students studying in 5th to 7th std. |
2 | Funding By | State |
3 | Scheme Objective | For encouraging the enrollment and presently of VJNT / SBC girl students studying in 5th to 7th standard, Government has introduced this scheme. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | V.J.N.T. & S.B.C. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | VJNT and SBC girl students studying in 5th to 7th standard will receive scholarship @ Rs.60 per month for 10 months. This scheme as a separate scheme apart from the other scholarships. |
7 | Application Process | This is a paperless scheme. Student or her parents are not required to apply or submit any documents. The Head-Master of the concerned school should submit the list of VJNT and SBC girl students to concerned District Social Welfare Officer, Zillah Parishad of concerned district for sanction of this scholarship. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education |
9 | Contact Office |
District Social Welfare Zillah Parishad of concerned District. Head Master of concerned School. |
Meritorious Scholarships to VJNT and SBC students studying in Secondary Schools.
Sr. No. | Scheme | Detailed information |
1. | Name of the Scheme | Meritorious Scholarships to VJNT and SBC students studying in Secondary Schools. |
2 | Funding By | State |
3 | Scheme Objective | To motivate Backward Class students for education. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | V.J.N.T. & S.B.C. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | Rs. 200/- for 5th to 7th and Rs. 400/- for 8th to 10th standard per annum. |
7 | Application Process | Proposal is to be submitted by Head Master of concerned School through concerned Block Education Officer to District Social Welfare Officer, Zillah Parishad concerned. For Mumbai city only proposals are to be submitted to Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare, Mumbai City. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education. |
9 | Contact Office |
The Head Master of School. District Social Welfare Officer, Zillah Parishad concerned. The Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare Mumbai City. |
Tuition fees and Examination fees to VJNT/SBC students studying in High Schools.
Sr. No. | Scheme | Detailed information |
1. | Name of the Scheme | Tuition fees and Examination fees to VJNT/SBC students studying in High Schools. |
2 | Funding By | State |
3 | Scheme Objective | To improve the interests of VJNT/SBC students in High Schools. To help and encourage the VJNT/SBC parents/ guardians for their children education. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | V.J.N.T. & S.B.C. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | Tuition fees, Examination fees, Laboratory fees, Library fees etc. fees are sanctioned and paid to concerned School. |
7 | Application Process | Proposal is to be submitted by Head Master of concerned School through concerned Block Education Officer to District Social Welfare Officer, Zillah Parishad concerned. For Mumbai city only proposals are to be submitted to Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare, Mumbai City. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education. |
9 | Contact Office |
The Head Master of School. District Social Welfare Officer, Zillah Parishad concerned. The Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare Mumbai City. |
Award of stipend to VJNT and SBC students studying in ITI
Sr. No. | Scheme | Detailed information |
1. | Name of the Scheme | Award of stipend to V.J.N.T and S.B.C students studying in I.T.I |
2 | Funding By | State |
3 | Scheme Objective | To encourage V.J.N.T. & S.B.C. students and promote the interest in Technical education. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | V.J.N.T. & S.B.C. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
1) Student should belong to V.J.N.T. or S.B.C category. 2) Student should be trainee of approved I.T.I. 3) Parent/Guardian's income should be up to 65290/- per year. |
6 | Benefits Provided | Maintenance Allowance from Rs.40/- to Rs.100/- per month for 10 months is provided through concerned I.T.I. |
7 | Application Process | Application should be submitted to concerned I.T.I. Selection process is also completed by I.T.I. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education. |
9 | Contact Office |
Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare concerned District. Principal, Industrial Training Institute. |
Vocational Training for VJNT and SBC candidates studying in Government Industrial Training Institute.
Sr. No. | Scheme | Detailed information |
1. | Name of the Scheme | Vocational Training for VJNT and SBC candidates studying in Government Industrial Training Institute. |
2 | Funding By | State |
3 | Scheme Objective | The State Government has introduced in 2003-04 the scheme to create self-employment for unemployed youths and students of VJNT and SBC who apply for a Vocational Training. He will be given the Vocational Training in Government I.T.I and undergo short duration vocational training courses. The short duration vocational courses will enable the youths to create their own employment in service sector. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | V.J.N.T. & S.B.C. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
1) Student should belong to VJNT or SBC Category. 2) Selection of students for training under this scheme is made by Principal of concerned Govt. I.T.I. & concerned Asstt. Commissioner of Social Welfare. |
6 | Benefits Provided | The training fees Rs.400/- to Rs.2400/- (as per course) is paid to concerned I.T.I. After completion of training, one Tool Kit of Rs.1000/- is provided to trainee through concerned Govt. I.T.I. |
7 | Application Process |
Student should apply for short Training to concerned Govt. I.T.I. Selection of students is made by Principal of concerned Govt. I.T.I. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education. |
9 | Contact Office |
Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare concerned District. Principal of Government Industrial Training Institutes. |
Maintenance allowance to Backward Class students under training in Sainik Schools.
Sr. No. | Scheme | Detailed information |
1 | Name of the Scheme | Maintenance allowance to Backward Class students under training in Sainik Schools. |
2 | Funding By | State |
3 | Scheme Objective | VJNT and SBC students are paid maintenance so that a maximum number of students can take admission to Sainik School with a view to seek admission in N.D.A. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | V.J.N.T. & S.B.C. |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
1) Students should belong to Vimukta Jatis, Nomadic Tribes or Special Backward Class. 2) Student should be studying in 5th to 12th standard in Sainik School. |
6 | Benefits Provided |
The entire expenditure on lodging, boarding, clothing, uniform, horse riding, pocket money, tuition fees and examination fees is reimbursed to the students admitted in old three Sainik Schools e.g. Satara, Pune and Nashik. For the remaining Sainik Schools maintenance allowance of Rs.15,000/- is reimbursed to per student for a year. |
7 | Application Process |
Scheme is online. Student should go to https:\\ and fill the Sainik School Scholarship application form, upload documents and submit it to concerned School. After scrutiny concerned school should forward his application to concerned Asstt. Comm. Social Welfare for sanction. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Education. |
9 | Contact Office |
Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare concerned District. Principal of Sainik School of concerned district. |